Vision and Values

Posted on: January 20th, 2018 by


To cultivate and sustain a friendly neighborhood niche of sharing, caring and respect for ourselves and each other



We love to laugh and have fun together, and we make sure there’s space for peace and quiet.

We model acceptance and inclusion, striving to see each other’s authentic selves, welcoming and honoring diversity.

We offer mutual support, to the extent that each individual is comfortable.

We commit to personal and community growth and development.


Self Governance

We have created a community in the traditional cohousing style.

We are self governing, using transparency, equivalence and effectiveness in our process.

We make time in our busy lives to do the work of sustaining and nourishing our cohousing community.


Physical Plant

We want to be safe in our community, enjoy its beauty and share food from the garden.

We practice ecological sustainability.