Kingfisher Cohousing

Posted on: December 31st, 2024 by

Available Homes

The Property

This is a charming nine unit complex with a layout that facilitates interaction, and room to possibly create a common house in the future.

The Concept

Kingfisher is a rental Cohousing community. We have gradually converted it to Cohousing as units turned over. As of February 2025, seven of the nine homes are occupied by Cohousers. The remaining two households in the complex are part of our community, but don’t choose to participate in the cohousing-specific activities like shared meals and gardening.  We had planned to create a 1,000 square foot common house, but the expense has forced us to put that off.  For now we have a shared laundry, and for meals we eat in our courtyard or in someone’s apartment if weather doesn’t permit outdoor gathering.

We are not organized around any ideology besides a desire to know our neighbors; in fact we have diverse political and social views that reflect the complicated and changing world we are living in.

What is Cohousing?

Cohousing is a great way to build community and neighborhood, while maintaining independence. Every household has a complete apartment, and there are also shared spaces.  You can be as private or as sociable as you wish. For more about Cohousing, see

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